“Quality care and peace of mind.”



Here at Willowbank Care we are committed to providing you with the highest quality level of care. We achieve this through our Quality Assurance process. This system includes us regularly carrying out the following procedures and checks to ensure that our services continue to stand out, that you are happy with us and that your voice is heard.

We‘re confident you’ll be satisfied with the service we provide. However our door is always open for our Clients’ concerns and we frequently send out questionnaires, giving you the opportunity to let your feelings on our care be known.

We also provide advocacy for our Clients through
Your Say.
Willowbank Care Ltd is inspected by
Care Quality Commission.

To complete our Quality Assurance process, we carry out the following checks on a regular basis.

Rota checks and staff levels
Staff supervisions and appraisals
House meetings
Care plans
Risk assessments
Fire log and equipment
Hospital folder
Storage of medication stock book